Practical Guide to Elder Abuse and Neglect Law in Canada

The BCLI Board is excited to share that the Canadian Centre for Elder Law (CCEL) is moving to the TRU Faculty of Law. As part of this transition, this page will also be moving to TRU. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected].

This website explains laws related to elder abuse and neglect occurring anywhere in Canada.

Vector drawing of seniors.

What is Elder Abuse and Neglect?

Guiding Principles for Best Practice

Lenses for Inclusive Practice

Federal Laws

Laws on Reserves

Glossary of Terms


The update of the Practical Guide to Elder Abuse and Neglect Law in Canada was funded by:

Government of Canada

Department of Justice Canada’s Victim Fund in 2019 and 2021.

BC Association of Community Response Networks

BC Association of Community Response Networks

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario